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This website is about an app called My Story. This app can used on iPads in school for children to read and develop stories. It is a great way for children to learn to express their creativity and increase their writing skills.

  • I would use this website in my classroom by downloading the app on iPads and having my students to come up with their own story to share with the class.

  • I would also have students to use this website to write a page a day in class for a period of time, then have a whole picture storybook put together when it is finished.​


This website is a fun, interactive to conduct formative assessments on students. Students of all ages can enjoy the quiz based game. It is a great way to see what material you need to spend more time on while also having fun.

  • I would use this in my classroom by giving students weekly quizzes over things we have covered in class to see how well everyone is understanding the material.

  • I would also allow students to make their own quizzes about the material we cover in class, as well as give them the opportunity to create their own quiz on a subject of their choice for their classmates to take for fun. 


This website is a collaborative website for teachers, students, and parents. It allows teachers to post quizzes, assignments, and discussion boards for students to complete. It also allows parents to see what their child is learning and how they are doing in school.

  • I would use this in my classroom to give students online homework and quizzes to do on their own time so I can see how everyone is doing. I would also post discussion boards for students to comment on their thoughts about a particular lesson as well as reply to one another.

  • I would also use this as a tool for my students parents to see how their child is doing in school. I would allow parents access to their child's grades and status in my class.


This website is and app about a great, fun way to keep track of students attendance, daily behavior, and upload pictures of students work. You can also use this app to randomly assign students for group work and have students to work on digital portfolios.

  • I would use this in my classroom to keep track of my students attendance and their behavior each day. I would allow parents access to view their child's absences and behavior each week.

  • I would also give my students the assignment of completing a semester long digital portfolio. I would have my students to work on this first thing each morning as their daily journal.


This website is a free website for teachers to use at school and parents to use at home. It has interactive videos for young students to sing and dance along to. It is also set up where teachers can save their progress and make a game out of the videos. The songs are educational and very fun.

  • I would use this in my classroom by starting my class off every morning with a fun song that my students can sing and dance to while also learning something. 

  • I would also use this for my students to get some fun, healthy exercise. Kids seem to love this because it is fun for everyone. I would incorporate the funny, silly songs along with the more educational songs.


This website is a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or Bing but it is kid-friendly. Students can search the web for images, videos, and even the news. The website also describes itself as a visual search engine.

  • I would use this in my classroom by asking my students a topic they would like to research, then I would go to the Kiddle search engine to look it up for them. I would take turns picking students every other week to pick a topic of interest that they would like to search. 

  • I would also use this site to look things that I wanted my students to see, hear, and learn about. I would pull up different pictures of plants, animals, and places in the world so that they can see the image of what I am talking about. 

7. ​

This website is an educational website for teachers. They have fun songs, games, and a wide range of activities for students that range from preschool through sixth grade and up. This website can be used to get students engaged in fun, interactive lessons. It is also great to use as a first day of school activity to get students to answers questions about themselves so the teacher can get to know them better. 

  • I would use this in my classroom as the website suggests by using it to give my students a questionnaire on the first day of class about themselves and what they want to learn about. I would do this to get to know my students better and help integrate lessons about things that they are interested in. 

  • I would also use this by selecting the grade that I am teaching on the website and selecting fun, educational games for my students to play. I would use this a tool to help teach my students about math and reading by using some of the games and stories available. 

8. ​

This is a literacy education website for teachers and students to use. The site features many esteemed actors reading children's books aloud as an illustration of the story is also shown. It is a great website to build a child's reading skills.

  • I would use this in my classroom by giving the child the homework of going home and getting their parents to play the story of my choosing for them. Then the next day we would discuss our thoughts on the story and listen to it again in class.

  • I would also use this in my class if I ever had a day where i did not feel good or was losing my voice so my students could still have a story read to them.

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